04 May 2024

Orderless completion in lsp-mode

If you, like me, are using corfu to get in-buffer completion and extend it with orderless to make it even more powerful, you might have noticed that you lose the orderless style as soon as you enter lsp-mode.

My setup of orderless looks like this

(use-package orderless
  (orderless-matching-styles '(orderless-literal orderless-regexp orderless-flex))
  (completion-styles '(orderless partial-completion basic))
  (completion-category-defaults nil)
  (completion-category-overrides '((file (styles partial-completion)))))

which basically turns on orderless style for all things except when completing filenames.

It turns out that lsp-mode messes around with completion-category-defaults and when entering lsp-mode this code here adds a setting for 'lsp-capf. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to prevent lsp-mode from doing this so the only option is to fix it up afterwards. Luckily there's a hook for running code after the completion for lsp-mode is set up, lsp-completion-mode-hook. Adding the following function to it makes sure I now get to enjoy orderless also when writing code.

(lambda ()
  (setq-local completion-category-defaults
              (assoc-delete-all 'lsp-capf completion-category-defaults)))
Tags: emacs lsp
20 Apr 2024

Update to Hackage revisions in Nix

A few days after I published Hackage revisions in Nix I got a comment from Wolfgang W that the next release of Nix will have a callHackageDirect with support for specifying revisions.

The code in PR #284490 makes callHackageDirect accept a rev argument. Like this:

haskellPackages.callHackageDirect {
  pkg = "openapi3";
  ver = "3.2.3";
  sha256 = "sha256-0F16o3oqOB5ri6KBdPFEFHB4dv1z+Pw6E5f1rwkqwi8=";
  rev = {
    revision = "4";
    sha256 = "sha256-a5C58iYrL7eAEHCzinICiJpbNTGwiOFFAYik28et7fI=";
} { }

That's a lot better than using overrideCabal!

Tags: haskell nix
14 Mar 2024

Hackage revisions in Nix

Today I got very confused when using callHackageDirect to add the openapi3 package gave me errors like this

> Using Parsec parser
> Configuring openapi3-3.2.3...
> CallStack (from HasCallStack):
>   withMetadata, called at libraries/Cabal/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Ut...
> Error: Setup: Encountered missing or private dependencies:
> base >= && <4.18,
> base-compat-batteries >=0.11.1 && <0.13,
> template-haskell >= && <2.20

When looking at its entry on Hackage those weren't the version ranges for the dependencies. Also, running ghc-pkg list told me that I already had all required packages at versions matching what Hackage said. So, what's actually happening here?

It took me a while before remembering about revisions but once I did it was clear that callHackageDirect always fetches the initial revision of a package (i.e. it fetches the original tar-ball uploaded by the author). After realising this it makes perfect sense – it's the only revision that's guaranteed to be there and won't change. However, it would be very useful to be able to pick a revision that actually builds.

I'm not the first one to find this, of course. It's been noted and written about on the discource several years ago. What I didn't find though was a way to influence what revision that's picked. It took a bit of rummaging around in the nixpkgs code but finally I found two variables that's used in the Hackage derivation to control this

Setting them is done using the overrideCabal function. This is a piece of my setup for a modified set of Haskell packages:

hl = nixpkgs.haskell.lib.compose;

hsPkgs = nixpkgs.haskell.packages.ghc963.override {
  overrides = newpkgs: oldpkgs: {
    openapi3 = hl.overrideCabal (drv: {
      revision = "4";
      editedCabalFile =
    }) (oldpkgs.callHackageDirect {
      pkg = "openapi3";
      ver = "3.2.3";
      sha256 = "sha256-0F16o3oqOB5ri6KBdPFEFHB4dv1z+Pw6E5f1rwkqwi8=";
    } { });

It's not very ergonomic, and I think an extended version of callHackageDirect would make sense.

Tags: haskell nix
03 Feb 2024

Bending Warp

In the past I've noticed that Warp both writes to stdout at times and produces some default HTTP responses, but I've never bothered taking the time to look up what possibilities it offers to changes this behaviour. I've also always thought that I ought to find out how Warp handles signals.

If you wonder why this would be interesting to know there are three main points:

  1. The environments where the services run are set up to handle structured logging. In our case it should be JSONL written to stdout, i.e. one JSON object per line.
  2. We've decided that the error responses we produce in our code should be JSON, so it's irritating to have to document some special cases where this isn't true just because Warp has a few default error responses.
  3. Signal handling is, IMHO, a very important part of writing a service that runs well in k8s as it uses signals to handle the lifetime of pods.

Looking through the Warp API

Browsing through the API documentation for Warp it wasn't too difficult to find the interesting pieces, and that Warp follows a fairly common pattern in Haskell libraries

  • There's a function called runSettings that takes an argument of type Settings.
  • The default settings are available in a variable called defaultSettings (not very surprising).
  • There are several functions for modifying the settings and they all have the same shape

    setX :: X -> Settings -> Settings.

    which makes it easy to chain them together.

  • The functions I'm interested in now are
    the default handler, defaultOnException, prints the exception to stdout using its Show instance
    the default responses are produced by defaultOnExceptionResponse and contain plain text response bodies
    the default behaviour is to wait for all ongoing requests and then shut done
    sets the number of seconds to wait for ongoing requests to finnish, the default is to wait indefinitely

Some experimenting

In order to experiment with these I put together a small API using servant, app, with a main function using runSettings and stringing together a bunch of modifications to defaultSettings.

main :: IO ()
main = Log.withLogger $ \logger -> do
    Log.infoIO logger "starting the server"
    runSettings (mySettings logger defaultSettings) (app logger)
    Log.infoIO logger "stopped the server"
    mySettings logger = myShutdownHandler logger . myOnException logger . myOnExceptionResponse

myOnException logs JSON objects (using the logging I've written about before, here and here). It decides wether to log or not using defaultShouldDisplayException, something I copied from defaultOnException.

myOnException :: Log.Logger -> Settings -> Settings
myOnException logger = setOnException handler
    handler mr e = when (defaultShouldDisplayException e) $ case mr of
        Nothing -> Log.warnIO logger $ lm $ "exception: " <> T.pack (show e)
        Just _ -> do
            Log.warnIO logger $ lm $ "exception with request: " <> T.pack (show e)

myExceptionResponse responds with JSON objects. It's simpler than defaultOnExceptionResponse, but it suffices for my learning.

myOnExceptionResponse :: Settings -> Settings
myOnExceptionResponse = setOnExceptionResponse handler
    handler _ =
            [(H.hContentType, "application/json; charset=utf-8")]
            (encode $ object ["error" .= ("Something went wrong" :: String)])

Finally, myShutdownHandler installs a handler for SIGTERM that logs and then shuts down.

myShutdownHandler :: Log.Logger -> Settings -> Settings
myShutdownHandler logger = setInstallShutdownHandler shutdownHandler
    shutdownAction = Log.infoIO logger "closing down"
    shutdownHandler closeSocket = void $ installHandler sigTERM (Catch $ shutdownAction >> closeSocket) Nothing


I really ought to have looked into this sooner, especially as it turns out that Warp offers all the knobs and dials I could wish for to control these aspects of its behaviour. The next step is to take this and put it to use in one of the services at $DAYJOB

Tags: haskell warp
09 Dec 2023

Getting Amazonka S3 to work with localstack

I'm writing this in case someone else is getting strange errors when trying to use amazonka-s3 with localstack. It took me rather too long finding the answer and neither the errors I got from Amazonka nor from localstack were very helpful.

The code I started with for setting up the connection looked like this

main = do
  awsEnv <- AWS.overrideService localEndpoint <$> AWS.newEnv AWS.discover
  -- do S3 stuff
    localEndpoint = AWS.setEndpoint False "localhost" 4566

A few years ago, when I last wrote some Haskell to talk to S3 this was enough1, but now I got some strange errors.

It turns out there are different ways to address buckets and the default, which is used by AWS itself, isn't used by localstack. The documentation of S3AddressingStyle has more details.

So to get it to work I had to change the S3 addressing style as well and ended up with this code instead

main = do
  awsEnv <- AWS.overrideService (s3AddrStyle . localEndpoint) <$> AWS.newEnv AWS.discover
  -- do S3 stuff
    localEndpoint = AWS.setEndpoint False "localhost" 4566
    s3AddrStyle svc = svc {AWS.s3AddressingStyle = AWS.S3AddressingStylePath}



That was before version 2.0 of Amazonka, so it did look slightly different, but overriding the endpoint was all that was needed.

Tags: amazonka aws haskell localstack
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